Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Potter Christmas


Every year around Christmas time we travel from one family to the next. This year we started at my parent’s house and then on Christmas day we drove down to Ohio to see Brandon's parents and family.
We arrived in Michigan on Sunday evening, and were very busy. We got to see a lot of snow while we were up there. Nala liked playing in it. She would bark at us inside because she just wanted to go out and play in the snow. However Brandon didn't like to play in the snow with her. While we were in MI we got to see Wicked. I love that play. A couple of years ago we went and saw the play in Chicago, but it was just us girls. This time I wanted Brandon to go and see it because it’s just so good. I think he enjoyed it. The first couple of days were hard because of Maddie, but when we were busy and our mind was preoccupied. Christmas morning was fun. We got up early and opened our presents, than had a big breakfast before we took off. Here are some pictures of a Potter Christmas!

1 comment:

Baughman Family said...

Looks like you had a good time with your family considering the rough time you had with Maddie. I'm so sorry! It's hard to lose a pet. I hope that you and Brandon can heal quickly!