Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Nursery - 90% Completed

His closet

view from the door

view from glider

view from closet

Another view from the closet

Ok we are getting pretty close when is comes to the finishing touches of the nursery. But the last two things I am waiting on I am not sure when they will come in. We are still waiting on the bookshelf, and some wall decals for the one wall. So once they arrive they will be placed in the appropriate positions.
When decided on which room would be the baby's room, we choose the smallest room. In my mind the reasoning was because we will have guest come from out of town and they will need the bigger rooms. A baby shouldn't need all that room. Well I would have never thought that a baby would need so many things.
We decided on silver sage, and chocolate brown. The bedding came from restoration hardware baby, and the furniture came from a couple of different places.
Brandon and my dad painted the room, while I went shopping for some of the details. So here are some pictures. The silver sage looks kind of blue in the pictures, but it is suppose to be a light green.

1 comment:

admin said...

looks great! love the colors you picked!