Friday, November 14, 2008


This is Nala looking out of the Brandon's back window of the truck he is currently driving.

This is his body suit!
Well this week we took another step forward, Brandon received his compression garments. When he was at the doctor's office they made a comment that it kind of looked like a bra. So I asked him how it felt, and he said like a bra. Then I said how do you know what a bra feels like. Anyway this thing is so tight to put on that it takes us both to pull it on his arm area. His upper arm is still healing it has a couple of burst that are open soars, but they said its just healing. He asked if its because he has been doing a lot of things with it for work. They said are you working?? He said Yes I have been working for about a month now! They didn't like that. They said you weren't suppose to go back to work until you were released! Oh well. So next week he meets with the Doctor to get released to work! hahaha. The OT thought his graph was one of the best he has seen in a while. He said its like a 9 out of 10. So that was nice to hear. Nice to know that its going to look really good when its completely healed. His face is healing still, he just need to continue to wearing the silicon pieces on it when he can.
So here are some pictures of his pressure garment. Remember he could have gotten it made in any color. We picked the most natural one that would match his skin.

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