Notice the redness on his neck and behind his ear.
The dark spots are the dead skin that hasn't fallen off yet.
On Tuesday we went back to the doctor, everything is moving along just fine. His arm is healing the area that didn’t take the skin is closing. They hope that the next time what we go in which is the Friday of Halloween, that we won’t need any special gauze or ointments to put on it. One reason we had the appointment on Tuesday was because he had to get measure for his custom pressure garments. He is going to have to wear one from his wrist up to his neck, and it going to be like a vest. It will be like a scoop neck t-shirt on the top and hit below his ribs. It will even cover his other shoulder. It will have a zipper that will be in the front. Remember he has to wear this for 23 hours a day. Basically every hour of the day except when he is showering. We got in it tan, but believe me it was kind of funny. He could have gotten them in any color he wanted, even neon colors! But we stuck with the neutral colors for now. He will get two sets, so when he is wearing one the other is washing. Fun, fun, fun. Their will be lots of laundry to be done over the 2 years!! These only last 3 months, so maybe next time he will pick a different color!
One area that was looking good, and believe me you will think it looks good too but we are kind of concerned about is his neck. It started to get pretty red last week, and we need to watch this area. We are supposed to get a special silicone patch to go on this area to help the healing process. But lets just say workman’s comp is a little slow and is trying our patience. Hopefully we will get this soon. We don’t want this area to start bubbling because that could lead to scarring. So hopefully we will get what we need and the redness will calm down.
So just continue praying for that area, here are some pictures I took this week while we were at the doctors. I see it everyday but I think its best to update the pictures once a week so you can see the difference better!
Looking Good!! Does Brandon have any pain still? Will keep you in our prayers and focus on the neck and for the insurance to get with it. Glad you guys had a good trip to Chicago!
Well, you guys do live in Tennessee now, so the "redneck" thing works (just kidding). Brandon looks amazingly well for all he's been through. From the pix he looks great!
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