Friday, June 5, 2009

Life with Miss Millie

Sleeping in her play pin!

Our first trip together!

Some of you know that our beloved boxer Maddie died around christmas this past year. It was very hard on us all. She will always be my first pet, so will always hold a special place in my heart. I love the boxer breed, so I knew I wanted to get another one sometime. With life the way it is right now, while I am looking for a job it couldn't be a better time for me to start working with a puppy. So even though my birthday isn't until July she is my early birthday present. Her name is Millie. Nala is a disney name from the Lion King, so I wanted another one. We thought of Belle, and Daisy but they are very commonly used, so I did some research and Minnie had a niece named Millie! So again we have a M & N! This week Brandon was out of town for work, so I had to pick her up on my own. That was an experience. I don't know how single mothers do it, they do have some help called Diapers. But still I can't imagine what its like. I had the huge task of introducing Nala to her last night. It didn't go great, but it didn't go completely bad. I think she feels I am torching her, but she did this to Maddie. Then it was time for bed, we are trying the whole crate training process! Let just say I know why we didn't do it before because it is so hard!! I think she cried the whole night except maybe and hour or so. Today she is going to the vet to get checked out. Because she didn't get any sleep last night, she is lucky that she can sleep all day.


Jenn said...

stick with the crate training. Bear, our lab, LOVES his crate...he goes in it even when we are home! We also started him with the crate in our bedroom and then eventually put him elsewhere. Good luck, but trust me...I remember all to well how exhausting puppies can be! ;-)

Katy said...

What a cutie! She is adorable, and I'm sure she'll get the hang of things in no time at all. :)

Grace Clausing said...

Awwww, she's so cute!! I can't wait to meet her. And I love the name too. Good choice! :)

Beth said...

I have the same rug in my kitchen! Oh, and your dogs are sooooo cute. They are wonderful companions aren't they?