Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Night Out with Weston

At the end of the night. Weston was a sleep in his carseat.

Weston just chilling

This past weekend we actually went out, and we had to dress up. On Saturday one of Brandon's co-workers got married and we were invited. Lets just say with a newborn it basically took me all day to get ready for this evening wedding. The wedding started at 4:30pm and we left the house at 3pm. We had to get a card, a gift, and feed Weston before the wedding started. We got that all accomplished. He was great during the wedding, toward the end though he did have the hiccups. But we sat in the back, so no one could hear them. The wedding was beautiful. We stayed for the reception, but basically we sat down and ate the appetizers because with the time constraint we had we left just after the first dance.
Weston was wearing a outfit that his new friends Landon and Jordan got him. Landon and Jordan are friends that he doesn't even know he has yet. Our good friend Lindsey and Erica had twins in May, if you want to see them check out their blog on the side.
Here are some pictures of the successful night, they did have a photo booth and we got pictures taken they turned out really cute. I am having problems though scanning them in and uploading them on my computer. Hopefully I can figure it out soon, then I will re-post them.

1 comment:

admin said...

He's so cute all dressed up!