Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Two Month Check Up

Tuesday Oct. 26th was Weston's two month birthday and check up. He weighed in at 11 lbs and 6 ounces. He was 23 inches tall. On all the charts weight, length and head circumference he is average. Our Doctor said this is right were he needs to be. Of course on his two month check up he had to get his shots. He had two in one leg, and one on the other. I have never heard him cry so loud and hard when he got them. Poor guy. I can relate, I hated shots growing up and I still hate them to this day. I remember when I was in junior high I had to get a tetanus shot, and my mom and sister were with me in the room. I was looking the other way trying to not focus on what was going to happen. When the nurse was getting ready to stick the needle in my arm, Sarah screamed. So what did I do I flexed my muscle and the nurse forced it in. Than she proceeded to tell me that because I flexed my muscle she had to do it on my other arm. So I wasn't to happy about that, and I had a huge bruise on my arm later because of it. As you can tell I still have issues with shots! LOL Later that afternoon he was a little fussy, so I gave him some Tylenol. But by the end of the night, he was having a little conversation with dad and telling him all about his day!

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