Waiting to be discharged from the hospital
The black badges are made of silver, and silver is very good on the skin.
The upper part near his shoulder, basically on his bicept is the area that is going to get the skin graft. Not sure the size of the area yet, but it won't be the whole are you see covered.
The first night, as you can see the swelling is beginning.
The second day. The darker spot is the area we need to scrub! But you can see the healthy skin!
Things the past two days have gone rather smoothly. Brandon is doing good. We are scrubbing his face 3X a day. Slowly the dead skin is coming off. The new skin looks good, healthy and white! Today however he wasn't feeling that good. He woke up and needed more pain meds, and slept most of the morning. He didn't really have much of an appetite and was running a temp. But around dinner time he was getting hungry which is a good sign, and was in better spirits tonight. Brandon's parents arrive friday night, and that was a great blessing. This morning I was running around like crazy. When i got home this morning from going to the grocery store, Maddie has decided that she wasn't feeling good. So I called the vet, and took her there and got her taken care of as well. Attached are some pictures that we have taken the past couple of days. Not sure if some of you have seen these or not. I will update tomorrow as well, with new pictures.
Yesterday his face was pretty swollen in the morning and from then on the swelling has decrease, so that has been a huge blessing.
Thanks for all your prayers!
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Praying for you guys!
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