That next month I started taking Fermara, you take a small pill for the first part of the month. I had my blood checked and everything seemed to be working right, just like it did the month before. So I wasn't going to get my hopes up. The time finally came and nothing happened. I waited a couple of days, I know most people would take a pregnancy test but I was afraid. I didn't want to see the negative, and than have to basically start all over, or have to start taking or do things that were going to be pretty expensive. I called the fertility clinic, and than they said once you are five days late and get a negative test they would give you something to start a period. So I waited one more day. Finally Saturday morning came, and I decided it was time to take a test. The first test I took, it was the one that it had to show two lines which meant you were pregnant. I didn't really wait for the results, I checked it before going back to bed and it looked like a negative so I went back to bed. About 45 min later I got up, because it was Saturday morning and I had my spin class to do and it was the Saturday before Christmas and I had a ton of things to do that Saturday. I walked into the bathroom just to double check and it turned into a positive!! Brandon was still asleep at this moment, and so I walked into the room tapped him on the foot and said we are pregnant. He didn't believe me. I said we are really pregnant. So that day while he was out getting baking supplies, and I was home baking for our party that weekend I gave him clear instruction to pick up another pregnancy test. One that was digital so the whole line situation would not confuse me. I wanted one that said either pregnant, or not pregnant. He called me when he was leaving the store, I asked him did you get the right test. He said yes you wanted the one with the lines on it right. I said NO! I wanted the digital one, he said I know I got it.
Sunday morning I took two more test, instantaneously the digital one said pregnant.
That night we had our annual Christmas party with close friends. Friends that have known that this journey has been a little longer than we had planned. Before we got to the party, we agreed that we could share the news with them. Because we knew that they were probably going to ask how things were going, and when you find out you are excited and want to share the news. So during the night, we shared the news they were all so excited and some teared up. It was a fun way to share the news.
So if any of you are out there readying this and you are also struggling with getting pregnant, I just want to encourage you, I know some of you maybe getting frustrated but don't give up. Embrace the life you are currently living, enjoy the time you are having. Everything happens in life the way God intends it to be. We give God time tables a lot of the time, and over the past couple of years I have learned that we can't. God wants us to be happy, and he knows what is best for you. What we may think will make us happy, are maybe not what God wants for us at that moment. Like I said I had this perfect plan about getting pregnant and had the perfect time line. Things obviously didn't work out that way, but one of the best things God gave me this Christmas was a baby in my belly. I couldn't plan a better surprise, and than sharing it with our family over Christmas was perfect. God likes to Laugh with us as well, something I am sure he is laughing at is that my baby's due date is Aug. 24th. Some of you are probably thinking what is so bad about that. In my perfect plan which we will call plan A I wanted the baby before or the start of summer so my mom would be out of school and if I needed her help she could. So when the baby is actually due she will be or getting ready to start school. Also another reason was because the child's birthday would fall on the school calender. I was one of those kids that had a summer birthday, so no one would remember your birthday. You didn't get to bring treats in for it or anything. Aug. 24th is a summer birthday. Also Aug. 24th scares me a little because here in TN schools start in Aug. So when is the cut off date? Who knows if we will still be here when the child goes back to school or not, but if so will the child be young for his class, or old? Most people say if you have a boy, to hold him back. But I am not sure I want him to be the oldest of the class. So God is laughing at me because I am already nervous about this situation. I just hope the baby is born before September 1st! So enjoy and embrace the life you are given currently, pray that God will give you the desires of your heart. Keep a positive outlook, and remember good things are in store for you. You may not see them right at this moment, but a couple years down the road you will see what was planning all along.
so happy for you guys! can't wait to meet the little Hoop!
Rach - we are so happy for you guys! It wasn't easy to be patient, but now our kids will be around the same age and grow up together! We can't wait to meet baby Hoop and share fun mother stories :)
Aw, what a great post! You are absolutely, right- God's timing IS perfect! I'm so happy for you guys that you're having a little baby! This is so exciting! I had no idea that it was such a long journey, but I know that the reward will be WORTH it all! :) Congrats again, MOMMY!
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