Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What do you think??

So we are less than one week away from finding out what gender are baby is! How exciting. We are excited and nervous. I am not really nervous, Brandon probably is just like most men out there, he really would like a boy. Me on the other hand, I am ok either way. I just hope the baby is healthy! So I am asking my readers to vote. What do you think we are going to have.
I will give some hints, some of you are probably thinking that hints will not help. But those who are already mothers it might help you in your decision.
1. The Chinese calendar says we are going to have a girl.
2. I feel that I am carrying low. So take that however you interpret it.


I will let you know next week!! Have a great Easter.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I voted! I think girl!